Cheerful Heart

You can buy anything at Target
May 5-6
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
(And probably breast milk too.)
Proverbs 17:22

All we are dealing with here at my daughter's is more information than needs to be shared. We are trusting in God for healing and all of our needs! While it has been a rough 3 weeks, we are praising the Lord for this precious child and looking for what God is up to in the places He is sending us. It may be from our sleepless stupors, but we find reasons to laugh around every corner. We had to go to Target after a doctor's visit for some meds and supplies and found the basket of the buggy the only place to set the car seat. One of our sons is a Target executive and so we took this picture and sent it to him. God is so good. We need to cling to Him and one another.

The Target son's wife has a wonderful blog. Check out her tribute to my father and another special someone in their life.

Keep a watch on another daughter in laws blog and the arrival of their second child any day!

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