Break My Heart with what Breaks Yours

October 20-21
Hosanna by Hillsong

The lyrics from this song were singing in my heart, before I even opened my eyes this morning.

Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like You have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I am, for Your kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity

This needs to be printed off and posted in my house for me to read each day.  

Another really Kool thing happened as I began my morning prayers.  Often my initial acknowledgment and greeting is to "Lord", others times "Father" or "God" and sometimes "Sweet Jesus".  After saying "Lord" this morning the nicknames kept flowing...Lover of my Soul, Provider, Sustainer, The One Who Makes My Heart Sing.  When we call out to God do we remember he is our Creator in whose image we were made, The One Who Hung the Stars, Ruler of the Universe, Hosanna in the Highest?  Saying Sweet Jesus we are offering accolades to the One who loved us enough to die for us, the One who has built the home in which we will live eternally and the One who makes our joy complete.
How sweet it is to commune with our All in All each day.

Have a wonderful fall weekend and sing Hosanna in the Highest!

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