He's the Real Deal

It's hard to catch 5 turkeys in perfect picture mode.
November 13
"We've been bamboozled!" my girlfriend replied, when we realized why we were able to purchase 1200 thread count sheets for $20.  They were not cotton, but a "micro-fiber".  Hmmm? I give her credit, earlier in the day she was fast to figure out the 3 for $20 cashmere scarf promotion loop hole.  I kept rubbing them, questioning the reality that they were cashmere, when she pointed to the TINY script on the LARGE sign promoting this product.  What we had failed to see were the little bitty words preceding the word "cashmere"...the words..."feels like".  Ah!  We will laugh about this for years and be wiser shoppers for the wear.

There are many imitations/variations of our faith, but the major difference in Christianity and other faiths is that the WORK HAS BEEN DONE.  There is absolutely nothing we can add to Christ's work on the cross, that will save us from our sins. We can do and do and do.  We can love and love and love, but without the sacrifice which was made...without the death which was overcome...we aren't getting in the gates of heaven.  Instead of a faith which touts what we must do, we have a faith that shouts..."It is finished!"

"Jesus paid it all.  All to Him we owe. Sin had left a crimson stain, but He washed it white as snow."
Are you able to say, "I'm a sinner saved by grace." Do you wait daily for his marching orders, ready to serve as a response to his love for us?  Believe in Jesus, he's the real deal.

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