Right Before Our Eyes

November 5
A dear friend gave me a month by month calendar for Christmas last year which is displayed in a frame and highlights a scripture verse. You have to change out each month.  It sits right in my dressing room and I look at it every day.  With everything that occurred the last week of September in our life, my eyes ceased to focus on the calendar, until I realized the other day, it was November and the calendar still showed September.  Life seemed to have stop there for awhile. October just slipped by.
Glancing at September's verse, as I pulled it out of the frame, I thought how perfect the verse was for what September had held in our lives here at Shiloh.

Pray about everything. Worry about nothing. 
Philippians 4:6

I wanted to check out October, before moving on to November.

But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord, "You are my God." My times are in Your hand.
Psalm 31:14-15

How I wished I had been tuned into what should have been right before my eyes....a powerful verse to have been meditating on throughout October. November is working quite well for me!

So do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself.  
Matthew 6:34

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