Embrace the Magnificent

December 13
If Jesus is not thrilling your heart…you are missing the best part.  Reading Lysa TerKeurst's post last week nailed an emotion I have during the Christmas season. I think it is so easy for us to miss moments with Jesus. The way this man felt about the clouds in the sky is the way I want us to experience the Christmas story!  We should be AMAZED at what occurred in Mary's life. In Joseph's life.  In Elizabeth and Zacharias' lives. Their angel encounters should leave us mesmerized and wishing for our own.  Our hearts should THRILL over God's magnificent plan for salvation through a baby!
Maybe tonight you can sit outside and simply study the stars as the wise men did!  Don't miss the moments around you!

"Embrace the Magnificent"  by Lysa TerKeurst
Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, Lord, is the kingdom you are exalted as head over all.
 1 Chronicles 29:11

"A few years ago on a flight to Michigan, I had the distinct privilege of meeting AJ. He was sitting in the row in front of me and made sure to welcome me the minute I took my seat. It didn't take long for AJ to make everyone around us aware of how excited he was to be on this plane.
His voice was loud, his exclamations seemed a bit child-like for a man his age, and his stuttered words made it difficult to completely understand him.
But one thing was unmistakable to me: his passionate embrace of the magnificent.
As we rose into the sky he clapped and bounced in his seat. His eyes were wide as he turned to the man sitting next to him exclaimed, "The clouds are huge!"
That's when the nudging on my heart started. This gentle prodding to ignore the task-oriented part of me that wanted to work and tune out what was going on around me.
Embrace this moment Lysa. Notice him. Notice me.
And that's how it is when God wants to get my attention. he interrupts my self-centered thoughts in such a way startling way, it can only be Him. He sends my train of thought off the well-worn tracks and suddenly I found myself bouncing along in a meadow full of unpredictable adventure.
Because there is something about God everywhere, every place we look My mind parked itself on 1 Chronicles 29:11, "Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours.  Yours, Lord, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all."
Everyone else on the plane looked tired from their travels that day.
But not AJ.
He saw what no one else did. We were in a fast moving tube, taking off from the ground, flying through the clouds, being transported from one place to another many, many miles away in matter of minutes. Minutes!  Not days or weeks or months, but minutes…oh what would people a hundred years ago have thought of this feat?
And there we all sat, bored. Not even bothering to look out at the clouds and notice. Too focused on the task at hand begging for our attention.
We'd lost out passionate embrace of the magnificent. Our appreciation for noticing God and His provisions had been strangled by what  the world begs us to pay attention to.
But I'm not interested in what the world classifies as important. I'm interested in where God wants to point my focus. I'm interested in humbling myself in childlike awe of all that He is.
When we landed, AJ's excitement reached a new level.  He clapped and whooped and rushed into the aisle of the plane tripping over others.  When he spotted his mom waiting for him at the end of the jet way, he got even louder pumping his arms into the air telling everyone that was his mom! That was his mom right there! There she is!! 
His mom's face reddened but kept the sweetest, gentlest look as she embraced her son. She sweetly pressed her fingers to her lips signaling him to quiet down just a bit.
That's when I reacher her. With a lump in my throat and tears cresting my eyes I touched her shoulder, "Your son is amazing. Really, really amazing."
How might we remember to embrace the magnificent on this ordinary day?
Dear Lord, I praise You today for Your magnificence in all things. Humble me as Your child and guide  me as I follow hard after You instead of the world.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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