
December 11
"Heavenly Father, during our holiday family gatherings use me as a peacemaker, not a peace-faker."
Boyd Bailey

It's upon us.  Christmas time!  Where there is joy in the world, ok, so maybe we have to settle for joy in our hearts.   Is there really joy in your heart?  Joy trumps bitterness, resentment, and unforgiveness.  Will you be able to enter the various party scenes and family gatherings honestly exhibiting the love of Christ for others or do you have a sense of dread when it comes to having to be with another individual.

Is there clearly segregation between his family and her family?
Does your gift giving or lack of it reflect how you REALLY feel about someone?
Have you been contemplating just the kind of verbal ammunition you are packing in your come back arsenal, being ready for anything?
Is the "zipper" attitude already in place as your survival method?  (You know, making your appearance, but sitting in a corner with your mouth zipped, waiting until you can make your much desired exit, that will hopefully last twelve months.)

Make every effort to live at peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no now will see the Lord.  Hebrews 12:14 

There is an addendum to live in peace with everyone, it's be holy. Why?  So others will see the Lord.
The energy it takes to be unkind, to ignore others, to speak in distain is negative energy.  It takes you down in spirit as well,  as it wounds the other person.

But you say, "Get real, Boo! This person will be staying in my house for days.  You can only be smacked down so many times when you have to defend yourself."  Yup. In our power we can only do so much. That's why Jesus sent a helper.  The Holy Spirit is the work force in a believer's life! We must choose to die to ourselves, our desires, our human reactions and let Him have center stage. You see, the Holy Spirit enables us to put on the performance of a life time without being a peace-faker.  He equips us to exhibit sincere love, lifting others up closer to Christ!

So let's agree to use all our energy in getting along with each other. Help others with encouraging words; don't drag them down by finding fault.  You're certainly not going to permit an argument over what is served or not served at supper to wreck Gods' work among you are you?  
Romans 14:19-20 The Message

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