Dear John 12 - Poured Out

Florida Granddogs
January 12
As you placed your offering in the plate yesterday, was it done with joy?  Giving back to God 10% of what is his can be a toughie.  I remember being taught this principle by my parents at an early age, but I don't think I did a good job of emphasizing it with my own children.
Last month,  I was having a princess day with a couple nine year olds I adore.  One had been given several dollars to take along on our excursion and told to offer to pay for her lunch.  (Even though it was set out in advance that this was my treat.)  The other young lady had lost her pack of chewing gum at some point and was quite disappointed.  When I took these girls into a Walgreens to buy a Christmas candy treat, the first girl took her own money and offered to buy chewing gum to replace what the second girl had lost.  I was so touched.  Heading to a strip center, where I was taking them to get their hair done, we arrived and the hair salon was closed for lunch.  While we waited the first girl heard the ringing of a Salvation Army bell and said, "Oh, the bell!  We must go give them something!"  Realizing the second girl had no money, she took out a dollar to give this girl to give away.  The initial instinct of this young lady was to pocket that dollar for herself.  We had a short discussion on where that dollar had come from and a lesson on the joy that comes from giving and headed off for the red pot!

Here is Chapter 12:3-7, Mary exemplifies that kind of love poured out.

Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus' feet and wiped his feet with her hair.  And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.  But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him, objected.  "Why wasn't this perfume sold and the money given to the poor?  It was worth a year's wages."  He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it. 
"Leave her alone," Jesus replied. "It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial. You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me." 

Love, extravagant love.  That is the kind of love Christ has for us. Oh, that we would love Jesus that way.
The ole Pharisees and leaders had a tough time with their love priorities.
Verses 42-43 of this chapter in John tell the story.
Yet, at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him.  But because of the Pharisees they would not openly acknowledge their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue for they loved human praise more than praise from God. 

Heavenly Father, You are worthy of honor and praise.  These human hearts of ours get so messed up. Change our hearts today. Give us a boldness to pour out an extravagant, sacrificial love for Christ as Mary did and when questioned may we respond that we are loving him,  but he first loved us.
In Jesus' Name, Amen

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