Dear John 20- It's Empty

We have a rifle range on our property and the target area looks like it might be a tomb!
Or the secret entrance to a bunker.  Come shoot soda cans with BBs!
January 20
Repeatedly, John reminds us in chapter 19 that the details of Christ's death occurred in order to bring Scripture to fruition.  God has a story to complete in each of our lives as well and the pain and suffering are part of the plot. Remember He is faithful.
Ah, Chapter 20, what we've been waiting for…The Empty Tomb!  Victory!
Once again, the disciples have not put the pieces of the puzzle together. They haven't grasped that there is more Scripture to be fulfilled…V.9
(They still did not understand from Scripture that
Jesus had to rise from the dead.)
I'm up and ready to do my hallelujah dance!  Oh, how I love this part of the story!
We could spend a week in this chapter, but if you enjoy a good Hallmark movie on occasion,  open your Bible and zone in on verses 10-18.  You will find Mary Magdalene in tears and bemoaning…
They have taken my Lord away," she said, "and I don't know where they have put him.
At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus.
" v.13b-14

In my Women of Faith Bible, there is a dear write up about Jesus and Mary Magdalene's relationship that I want to share.  (Here's a fun personal aside...I had a great aunt named Magdalene.  You don't hear that name often. Nor my grandmother's name, Mildred Marcella!)

Jesus Appears to Mary
"From the moment he cast seven demons from her, Mary Magdalene was a devoted follower of Jesus. When others abandoned him, she remained near. Now she stands nearby, watching Jesus' crucifixion, and she follows Jesus to the burial place. On the morning after the Sabbath, she goes to the tomb. Perhaps she goes to anoint Jesus' body with oils or to weep. Maybe she just wants to visit the tomb. But what she finds upsets her terribly.  While John and Peter come and go, Mary stays, grieving and investigating.  What appears to be the loss of Jesus' body is painful for her, especially so soon after the heart-wrenching loss of his life.  It is at this point in deep distress that May becomes the first person to witness the resurrected Christ, an honor granted to a woman who has fully given her life to her Lord."

Oh, how I long to see Him face to face. I think when we see him, we will all wish we had given more of our lives to Him.

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