Dear John 5 Be a "Do Nothing" without Jesus.

The blue eyed babe is the middle man of all the grands!

January 5
From the healing pool, to the Jewish leaders persecuting Jesus for healing on the Sabbath, to a discussion on testimonies about Jesus, this chapter goes deep.  In verses 19-20 Jesus gave the Jewish leaders this insight…Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the father does the Son also does.  For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does. Yes, and he will show him even greater works then these, so that you will be amazed.

So, let's do nothing without evaluating whether it is an imitation of Christ!

Skipping back to the pool scene  in verses 2-3, it sounds gorgeous at first as we envision the five covered colonnades.  Then we read this is where the disabled people came in hopes of finding healing from the pool's waters..  John describes the issues some where battling…blindness, paralyzation and crippling in their limbs.

Reading those verses God challenged me to look at my spiritual life and evaluate where I may be:
Not sure about you, but that is a heavy duty reality check for me.  Often, I realize I have been blind to some prayer needs of both others and myself.  I allow distractions to cripple me from being about God's business and the fear of how others will react/persecute me stops me in my tracks at times.  The Holy Spirit, active and alive in me has the capability to counteract all those weaknesses!  PTL.

Let's pray:
God, you are all about the importance of godly examples in our lives. How incredible that you would come to earth in human form to teach us first hand in a way we could relate to.  Today, we listen to Jesus' words…"the Son can do nothing by himself, he can only do what he sees his Father doing."
Moment by moment when we have decisions to make and reactions are about to spring forth, may we stop and ask…"Please fill me with the Holy Spirit and help me to imitate Christ today."  In Jesus' Name, Amen

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