Dear John 9-One Thing I Know

Minnesota Granddogs
January 9
Jesus has healed a blind man and instead of rejoicing, there is rejecting, ridiculing and even some reservations coming from the disciples in Chapter 9.
A great life lesson for us all is learned when the disciples ask: Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind. v.2
Jesus replies in v 3, Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the work of God might  be displayed in his life.
We don't have the mind of God and that is a good thing.  We need Him to be greater.  Our vision is earthly, physical and temporal.  Jesus works in the spiritual realm of eternal value, way beyond our capacity to comprehend.
So back to our story…Jesus literally spits out another miracle!  Spitting on mud and placing this mixture on the man's eyes bringing sight. But it is not a sight the Pharisees like.
The Pharisees have their feathers ruffled once more.  Jesus does not make them look good; they want Jesus out of the picture. Off they head to question this man's parents.  The parents are afraid of the authority the Pharisees carry. They know they have the ability to toss them out of the synagogue, so they pass the buck back to their son saying in v. 21, Ask him. He is of age; he will speak for himself.

Trying to nail Jesus, they approach the man and accuse Jesus of the sinful behavior of healing on the Sabbath!  You've got to love this man's response:

Whether he is a sinner or not, I don't know.
One thing I do know.
I was blind but now I see!
John 9:25

At this point the Pharisees throw the man out, but Jesus goes to find him.

I love that part too.  Have you felt tossed out by someone lately?  Every time I get the tossed out blues, Jesus comes to find me and makes it a sun shiny day!

One thing I know…Jesus loves me and he never stops loving me!

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