Open Ended Questions

June 15
A week ago we had the privilege of entertaining 26 Winshape (Chick-Fil-A) Counselors at our home for the day.  While these young people had impeccable manners and hearts full of gratitude, they also exuded strong character and evident integrity.  In addition to all those qualities, which had landed them these summer jobs with a very reputable company, they also had depth and were trained to ask open ended questions.  These questions, which took me back and produced a head nodding of approval and respect, are a great example of how we should all be living.

Surface questions of where are you from, where did you go to college and what do you do, afford an opportunity to connect, but they really don't go deep.
Two questions posed to me made me think!
1) What do you see as the greatest need in your community?
2) What did you like about your job as a teacher?

Jesus asked open ended questions.  One website I went to added a modern day translation to some questions, which we may want to toss out sometime.
"What is it that you want to have most?"  Mt. 20:21
    or "What goals do you have for your life?"
"Who do other people say that I am?" Mt. 16:28
   or "What spiritually-related news headline has gotten your attention recently?"
"What is written in the Law?" & "How do you read it?" Luke 10:26
   or "What absolute truth have you been convicted of recently?" & "What is God telling you to do
   because of knowing this truth?"

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