Sibling Support

August 11
Not everyone is given a sibling.  Not every sibling is kind to the other.  When push comes to shove, it may be off a wall or dock, but usually a protective element kicks in when dire situations arrive.  Years ago one of our sons was falsely accused of something, by a teacher in elementary school.  His brother, who is 4 years younger and was in kindergarten at the time, passed the teacher in the hallway and looked up at her and said, "Why were you mean to my brudder?"
Going on the defensive the teacher went to the principal and reported the incident. I was called into a meeting with the principal, who told me we should not discuss such situations as a family with all our children. She also wanted me to make our kindergartener apologize to the teacher.
Politely, I explained we were a family who shared joys and sorrows and prayed through difficult situations.  Also, I expressed my decision not to discipline our son for sticking up for his brother, by making the inquiry of the teacher.

Whether those we call brother/sister are related by blood or through the body of Christ they are a blessing to be loved and cherished.  The above picture of our grandson and granddaughter thrills my heart!  My guess is he will be her protector the rest of her life!

Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters.   Hebrews 13:1

One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.     Proverbs 18:24

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