To Love and to Cherish

August 7
Last weekend we watched this precious couple vow to love, honor and cherish one another until death do they part.  It was truly one of the most Christ centered ceremonies I've ever attended. The bride walked down the aisle to Psalm 23 being sung!  The pastor held back no punches in the charges he made to this two, their attendants, families and friends in the congregation.

A charge given to the wedding party and wedding guest was to vow to do everything in their power to strengthen this union and to abstain from any comments or actions that might create division.  He also said that more importantly than this being a legal union, this was a spiritual union between two professing believers and thus was a "holy" union before God almighty.

Just before the end of the ceremony and the much anticipated kiss, another pastor shared the gospel and gave any guests, who had never prayed to receive Jesus as their savior, the opportunity to do so.  One guest did so and it was such a fitting end to an oh, so perfect wedding!  Well, ok. a couple ushers had quite a struggle with the aisle cloth, it was questionable if the ring bearer would make it down the aisle at the snail's pace he was going and I think the groom dropped one of the unity candles, but those incidents are needed to release the tension that can build up for a bride and groom.

That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.
Genesis 2:24

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