
November 5
Not having the stamina to serve others the way I used to is disappointing.  Two groups are using Shiloh this week, but it has required me receiving help from others with cooking and cleaning.  When I was having my weepy sinking spell Tuesday, triggered by the fear of going to vote alone,  I called out to God.  He answered in the form of Paul David Tripp's November 3rd devotional in New Morning Mercies.

Check this out:  "How do you measure your capability-by your previous successes and failures or by the boundless resources of grace that yours in Christ?...We are always accessing what we bring to the table...In Christ, you have been given both a new identity and new potential...Paul's words:  'It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.' (Galatians 2:20)
God knew exactly what you would face as you journeyed through this fallen world....God's best gift of grace is himself.  He comes to us.  He makes us the place where he lives.  This means that divine power resides inside us."

Are we living in His power and believing in His capabilities?

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