Do It All for Jesus

Unusually warm temperatures made for some great outdoor fun the 1st weekend in January.
The brrrrr that is going on now had not occurred!

January 7
"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31

Why do we study the Bible?  Some seek knowledge and desire truth, others want wisdom.  How many individuals open the living Word with a selfless attitude of total obedience,  truly believing the hope they hunger for, the peace they seek, and the answers they need will be found through a life of surrendering?

"We were not made to live independent, self-directed lives.  We were not meant to exist according to our own little self-oriented plans, living for our own moments of glory.  No, we were created to live for him." 
Paul David Tripp 

Most of us head into work awaiting instructions.  Even as teachers/instructors there are  guidelines and goals to accomplish. Each time we open God's Word, let's expect to find instructions from Him on how to live the days ahead in way which will bring him glory!

Where will we step today?  A meeting, the library, the grocery store, a carpool line, a doctor's office?  Will our eyes, ears, and hearts be zeroed in on what we want to accomplish for ourselves or will they be focused outward believing with heavenly expectancy that God is as work and may have an assignment for us that can bring him glory?

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