Oh What a Night!

Our front planter early Sunday morning as the snow began to all.

January 19
Sniff, sniff, sniff. I awakened at 3AM with a startle at what I thought smelt like smoke. Calmly and wide awake my husband stated, "It's the fireplace. Our heat has been off for 2 hours and it's 12 degrees outside. The power company says the earliest they can get here is 6:30AM.  Maybe I should go outside and see if a squirrel got in the transformer?"

"What good would dead squirrel hunting in the below freezing temps in the dark do? Stay here in this cozy bed and pray," was my middle of the night advice. The first verse that came to mind in my prayer was "Lord, give us a peace that passes understanding." Philippians 4:7

 "Do you think we will loose our Homestead creamery ice cream?" was my only concern.  His most intelligent response, "All we have to do is set it outside!"

At 3:57 there were several dings in the room, as clocks, phones and computers reacted to power coming back on!!!!!  Praising the Lord and thanking those power company workers who work in such conditions, I spooned up next to my man and slept until 8:15 this morning. Bless his heart, he never went back to sleep.

Life is full of uncertainties.  We watched a rather disturbing, yet entertaining movie last night called, "Finding a Friend for the End of the World." It was totally void of faith, but it reminded me there will be an end to this earthly life, one way or another.  At that ending point all that matters is eternity.
Add to that the current study on Revelations I'm enrolled in and for those of us who are believers we should be boldly about the business of telling others about Jesus.  For it may be cold in Moneta, VA right now, but for many things are going to be scorching hot for all eternity.

"Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
Romans 10:13 

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