The Wild Ride

I love these photos from a weeks ago.  
There was no holiday snow, so these three hiked the hill at Shiloh and went leaf sledding!  

"Be  joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."
Romans 12:12
January 11

Being a bit anxious about this week's impending surgery, I felt such peace when I read this quote.

"Your rest is not to be found in figuring your life out, 
but in trusting the One who has it all figured out for your good and his glory."  
Paul David Tripp

The clocking was ticking in on the time I'd need to go off the Plavix (a week before surgery).  My favorite nurse on the planet and two cherished friends, all made their surgery concerns known on the same day.  The consensus was for me to visit my primary care doctor and share these concerns. God opened the door for an appointment the afternoon of the next day, which was when I had to stop taking the medication. The concern. which really caught her attention. was going under general anesthesia less than four months after a stroke of unknown causes.  The gallbladder surgery would be considered "elective" at this point, so she said, "Let's wait six months." Knowing she loves the Lord, I replied, "Let's pray I never have another attack and don't have to have surgery ever!" She chuckled and agreed.

So thanks be to God, whom I can trust,  for using godly advice and concern from dear friends at this time.

The night before I saw the doctor, my husband and I were praying and I asked God to give me another attack if I was to move forward.  My husband about jumped off his seat.  DON'T ask for one of those attacks!!!!!  I said, "Well, that would make it clear to me."  This plan is more appealing!

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