There's More Than This

These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace.  
In the world you have tribulation, but take courage;
I have overcome the world.
John 16:33

January 2-3
Looking out at a new year, brings refreshment, which often accompanies the hope for change.  Looking back on the past four months, I certainly hope 2016 isn't filled with health issues for anyone in my family.  Yet, John 16:33 reminds me there will be tribulation!  So, my plan is to live by faith expecting the up and downs.  While on the mountain tops, I want to pray for those in the valleys and when in the valley myself I want to recognize God is there with me and he places beautiful lilies in the valley that shouldn't be missed.

Over our Christmas break I read a "Can't put it down" book, Cancer Mom, written by our pastor's wife, Susan Briggs Parris.  Below is the review I placed on Amazon.

"Currently facing health issues of my own and having walked alongside family members battling cancer, I couldn't put this book down. Susan Parris takes you face to face with the heartaches of REAL life, but ladles it with first hand hope from a very REAL and believable faith. This is a great gift to put in the hands of others facing hardships, health or otherwise.  The added inserts from her husband bring a boatload of wisdom and tangible tools to take hold of for caregivers, who often struggle and wear themselves down when a loved one is facing such a huge health issue.   Of added importance, the issue of being your own advocate or having a good one walking beside you when it come to medical decisions and administration is addressed. Well done, good and faithful servant!"

So 2016, ready or not, here we come..with Jesus at our side!  We trust the plans He has for us, to prosper us and give us a hope and a eternal future in our heavenly home.

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