Sometimes We Just Need to Get Away

June 10
Numb and emotionally exhausted from the triple whammy of heartache we are facing, I headed off to find solace before the Lord.  Exodus 14:14 (The Lord will fight for you; you must be quiet) was still solid in my mind. I told the Lord I trusted Him with the hurt and with the battle. (This wasn't the case throughout the night as my mind schemed ways to be heard. It was not pretty.)
In my Summer of Surrender journal I wrote:
I have bitterness in my heart Lord, please forgive me.  I know You are able to provide a way and place us wherever you want us on the path of life. I'm surrendered and trusting. In Jesus' Name.

There was peace from the prayer, but what followed next restored my joy!  On the top of the very next page of my journal was Matthew 5:8
Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God.

I penned these words: Whew! I am not pure of heart, but I want to be.  Then I crawled into my kayak and turned the playlist on my phone to shuffle.  Are you ready for this...I promise, in the stupor I am in there's no way I could have come up with these three songs. No one could ever convince me that God is not personal and fully aware of every moment of our lives.  There is purpose in every painful situation we go through. God has allowed me to hurt to point out a darkness that needs to be removed from my heart and a lack of trust that He is always up to good.  The good news is it used to take me months to realize I need to get away and surrender. Yesterday, I got there in less than 24 hours!

Check out these songs.

"All You've Ever Wanted Was My Heart" by Casting Crowns

"Always" by Kristian Stanfill  One stanza says...
"My foes are many. I will not fear. My help is on the way...He will not delay. My God is on the way. My God will come through always." Are you kidding me?

"I Will Follow" by Chris Tomlin
"Where you go, I'll go. Where you stay, I'll stay. I will follow You."

Heading back to the boathouse,  I clamored like a beached whale onto the dock,  grabbed my journal and wrote down the names of the songs and a thank You to God.  "I've had a good cry," I told Him, "but now I am strengthened by Your Word and these songs."

Yup, sometimes we just need to get away and listen to Jesus.
Thanks so much to all of you who've been praying. The prayers are being answered.

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