Dig Deep

Dig Deep and Seek the Lord
February 27

There are so many elements to our relationship with Jesus.  We have to be proactive for this faith walk to deepen.  Here are some mental and emotional actions we have to apply to the relationship
for it to work.

Acknowledge our need for Him
Accept that He is God
Trust He is good.
Have Confidence that He knows the future and has a plan.
Depend on Him in every situation.
Ask Him for assistance in every decision.
Thank Him for the way he cares for us and provides for us.
Allow His love to pour over us and be still in His Presence.

Today, I just stopped and prayed...
"Good morning Heavenly Father, Creator of my soul. Today, I rejoice in Your goodness and love for me.  I have total confidence that nothing will come my way today without your foreknowledge. Before I make any decisions remind me to stop and seek Your guidance. Thank You for all the ways you have provided for me before and for the way you will be with me today.   Your love is amazing.
Open my eyes to the opportunities which await where I can tell of Your love to others. In Jesus' Name, Amen

"God's my island hideaway, keeps danger far from the shore,
throws garlands of hosannas around my neck.
Let me give you some good advice;
I'm looking you in the eye and giving it to you straight:
Don't be ornery like the horse or mule that needs bit and bride to stay on track."

Psalm 32:7-9 (MSG)

See you soon!
Loads of Love, Boo

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