Letters of Love

February 17
The postmark was 1974 and the postage was 8 cents! In the inside pocket of an old suitcase, I found some letters written by my paternal grandmother and was taken back in time by the handwritten words.  What a lost art letter writing is.  The individuality of each person's handwriting leaves no question to the authenticity of letters, unlike a typed, texted or emailed message.

Thank God for his love letter to us.  How greatly embellished our faith is by the written Word.

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness."  2 Timothy 3:16

"For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope." Romans 15:4

One of the blessings for me in reading these old letters was to catch glimpses of my grandmother's faith.  She lived in Pennsylvania and I didn't get to see her as regularly as my maternal grandmother, who lived one street away and sat with me in church every Sunday.  These letters are a gift for sure.
In the letter below, she is writing to my maternal grandmother who had taken a bad fall.  She states:
"Now cheer up and use all the determination and grit that you can to help yourself.  I'm still having to use a lot of it but it pays off. I'm sure God wants us to and He will help us. We must have faith and love. There is a little booklet that says, 'Where you are, God is.'"

In another letter she has just sent a truckload of her belongings to be distributed to her grandchildren. The letter starts off, "I'd like to make a few suggestions."  Then four pages letter she requests pictures of where the furniture and china were placed. (Per her instructions.)  The china she was sending me was not to be unpacked, as I was too young to use it at the time.  LOL Making me think of Paul's words of instruction to Timothy above.

One of my favorites is a letter written to my parents. She is in her 80's by this time. In the closing of this letter she writes, "Do try to keep well. The T.V. says if you have your health, you have just about everything. I think you need to have God on our side too. It's getting time for my dinner to come, so I'll say by for this time with lots of love for all."

Included in this same bundle is a typed letter from an 8 year old and a letter I wrote to my father.
I'll post those tomorrow!

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