Enouraging #19 and #20

Day Nineteen
Read a wife's description of her beloved in Song of Solomon 5:10-16.
"My beloved is radiant and ruddy, distinguished among ten thousand."  SOS 5:10

"Criticism leaves scars; but encouragement can bring healing. Remember that today as you focus on your "30-Day Encouragement Challenge."
Almost nothing is as devastating to a man as the belief that his wife finds him repulsive. Sadly, many women unwisely criticize their husbands' bodies.
Have you ever considered how wonderfully God designed men and women? No matter how a man looksby the standards of the worlda loving God designed them all, and they are all "beautiful" in His sight. Encourage your husband today by praising his uniqueness.
As you look over your husband's body, from the tip of his toes to his bald or bushy head, thank God that your husband is "wonderfully made," then admire your husband verbally. (Strong arms? Hairy chest? Firm hands? Big feet? Rugged chin? Wide shoulders? Compassionate eyes? Broad smile?) "

Journaling Thought:"Describe the physical characteristics you admire in your husband. Be sure to tell him today what those things are."

Day Twenty
"And be kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, 
just as God in Christ also forgave you." 
Ephesians. 4:32
"It's time for some heart examination. As you continue in this 30-day challenge, have you
found any roots of bitterness that are contaminating your relationship with your husband? Do you understand that as long as you are unwilling to forgive your husband
by God's grace and in His poweryou will not be able to encourage him? Your own resentment will keep getting in the way. Now is the time to deal with any unforgiving attitudes. Forgive him, even as God has forgiven you.

Is your husband a forgiving man? Does he keep short accounts of your problems? Express your thankfulness for such a man.

Does your husband seem to harbor grudges against you? If so, could there be things you need to change? Do you possibly need to ask forgiveness for an offense? 

Journal Your Thoughts

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