Things that Make Me Know


September 19
Walking alongside someone in a painful situation, I was encouraged as this text pinged across my phone Sunday morning while I was setting up post at our church welcome desk. The thing that blew me away was the fact our praise band was practicing and singing "You make all things work together for my good" at that very moment. I was able to video them and send the recording right back to the person who had texted me!  Amazing!  These are the things that make me know God is aware of every detail, every moment of our lives.

Wish I could figure out how to post the video, but here's a youtube of the song.  You have to go to 3:28 to hear the chorus, but the whole song is amazing.

I'm praying right now that as each person is reading this they are aware that God is up to good and working on the details of their lives! Love you!

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