To Be...A Peacemaker

Pray for peace in our nation.

November 6
I'm not an everyday Facebooker.  Keeping up with photos of the grands was my original intent in signing up.  Now I get my grandmama fix more on Instagram.  Yesterday, I received an apology on Messenger for an offensive politically based comment a friend from my high school days made.  I'm still pretty clueless as to what was said, but wish I hadn't gone on Facebook yesterday to glance at all the slashes being slung about.

Our nation's media and political sparring are an embarrassment. Many Facebook members are right there in the mess. My husband has always said I would never make it as the wife of a college football coach or politician. Too much of a softie! Oh, that we could be respectful and kind to one another.

One of the devotionals I did with our grandsons this weekend should be nibbled on by some adults I've encountered.  Let's memorize James 1:19. I think I will pass this verse out at the polls tomorrow.

"My dear friends, you should be quick to listen, and slow to speak or to get angry." James 1:19

"Try your best to let God's Spirit keep your hearts united. Do this by living at peace."   Ephesians 4:3

When the going gets tough, turn off the TV, the computer and your phone and remember...

"Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you."  2 Thessalonians 3:16

Thankful Thought:
Thank God for several people in your life/country that you can label as peacemakers.

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