To Be...Aware of What Matters

This little one loves going to work with Dad.

November 20
This time of year I'm taken back again and again to the story of Martha and Mary's priorities and I have to remind myself to "Choose what is best."

In the hustle and bustle of all the preparations it's easy to exclude our time with Jesus.  We are doing good; serving, feeding, giving, but is Christ a part of it.  Are we giving of ourselves through time spent or just clicking a "place order" button?

While praying with my husband last week my heart was heavy for six friends, whose holiday priorities have changed.  Decorating, cooking and shopping are not on their schedules, watching their spouses battle huge health hurdles has become a 24 hour endeavor.  What is best, what is of value, what matters is time with them.

The older I get the more I realized things hold no eternal value, but our relationships do.  For it is within the realms of time spent that the things of eternal value can be shared.  Who Jesus is in a person's life, is what really matters.

Give away the gift of being with someone this Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Thankful Thought
Thank You God for the people who have invested time in me and for the people who are allowing me to spend time with them now.  

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