To Be...Praying Against Evil

Our four year old granddaughter dressed as a dragon slayer riding through downtown Park City.

November 8

About six weeks ago I embarked upon a serious time of morning prayer for our grandchildren using Stormie Omartian's book The Power of a Praying Grandparent.  The prompts to pray are excellent and praying against evil is in several sections of the book.

"Lord give my grandchildren the wisdom they need to determine the true character of the people around them so they don't allow evil people into their lives... Cause them to seek You for wisdom and give them wisdom to walk away from danger and evil. Help them hear Your voice telling them which way to go."  (Isaiah 30:21)

"Wisdom will control your mind, and you will be pleased with knowledge. Sound judgment and good sense will watch over you.  Wisdom will protect you from evil schemes and from those liars."
Proverbs 2:10-12 (CEV)

Thankful Thought
Thank God for someone who invested in your life when you were a child.

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