To Be...Thankful

November 22

"Let them give thanks to the Lord for his faithful love and his wondrous works for all humanity."
Psalm 107:8

The Pilgrims, the turkey, the stuffing and pumpkin pie...what about God?  Isn't He the main event?
It is to God we are giving thanks, but someone He gets lost in the preparations.

As the campus pastor's wife, I try to be present in the lobby as people arrive and engage them in conversation with an open ended question each week.  People are probably starting to come in the back door to avoid me!
Two Sunday's ago the question was "What have you given thanks for recently?"
One women's answer gave me chill bumps from my toes to the top of my head.
"I'm so thankful that our three children, my siblings, every member of my family,  loves the Lord.
I know that is not the norm for most families and recognize I am so blessed."
Well, friends, that topped any answer I heard that morning.

As you gather today with thankful hearts, consider actually kneeling before the Lord and ask him to bring to remembrance all he has done for you.  Jesus is His most amazing gift and reason to say, "Thank You!"

Enjoy this thankfulness song. We used to sing this with our children, so it's an oldie.

Thankful Thought
Thank God for His faithfulness and for a nation that was formed so people had a place to freely worship the Lord!

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