To Be...Wandering or Wondering

November 30
Doesn't it seem that over the holidays the heartaches of life escalate? The past week I've prayed with a friend who had a runaway teen, sat with another friend whose 82 year old husband fell backwards hitting his head and now has a brain injury, taken a "get through chemo bag" of goodies to a neighbor with breast cancer, listened to a toddler mom beg for our church to do a parenting/marriage course, texted and tried to encourage a friend who is making a decision with her husband whether he should have heart surgery that could buy him 3-4 more years of life or might kill him.  (Those are only the ones I can reference without betraying a confidence.)

Do the real life struggles we walk through personally or rub up against in the lives of others cause us to wander away from God mumbling..."A loving God wouldn't allow this" or do they stir our minds to wonder..."What is God trying to teach me through this trial?"

I'm holding a confidence for someone I met recently, not someone you would know.  This "gentle" man experienced watching his wife, the mother of their three young children, become mentally ill.  She had to be removed from their lives and he raised the girls alone.  Twelve years later, with all the girls out of the house he has exhibited redeeming love and taken his wife back into their home.  She still has major issues, but this man is such a picture of Christ.  I emailed him this week to share how his story encourages me to persevere and to encourage others.

Here is his amazing response.  I'm sure he must have wanted to wander, but instead people came alongside him and led him to wonder.  God is wonderful and always at work in us.

"God can and will bring those in hardship ever closer to Him. My relationship and deepening conversation peace with my friend, my rock, the person of Jesus (not to mention my relationship with my daughters). would never have been as sweet or known if I hadn't been called to the challenges of learning to love in ways I never imagined in my marriage.

His way is difficult (I so needed and He gave the few Godly, perfectly timed people who kept pointing me to the cross), not rooted in the convenience of the world.  But now indeed I see more and more His way is the best and most fulfilling.  He revealed the mission was meant for me.  The mission is difficult.  Take on the mission and finish well for He will not forsake you.  Know you are serving the sweetest Lord who has been there before."

His ways are wonderful!

"He has caused his wonders to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and compassionate." 
Psalm 111:4

It is a gift from God to have the privilege of serving Him even in the toughest of times.

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