Grasshopper Vision

March 27
"Grasshopper vision is what happens when our eyes look at our problems or obstacles in regard to their intimidating size or our own personal inadequacy, rather than looking at them in regard to the greatness and the all-sufficient power of our God.  People with grasshopper visit view God in proportion to the enormity of their problems rather than viewing their problems in contrast to the size of their God."  Jimmie Larche 

I need this reminder! Again and again in the Old Testament, battles approached with the "We can conquer!" plan were lost and those led by men seeking God and trusting in his plan tasted victory.

While I've never marched in an army, I've been in battles.  While helping a young woman years ago, who came to live with us, face the anguish of anorexia I learned the importance of surrendering.  It was only two weeks into the plan of being perky and planning pretty meals that the daily failure I saw, had me crying out to God saying, "I can't do this!"
His reply, "You are not supposed to do this. I will heal her, you just feed her my Word."  With God in control she went from 73 pounds to 108 in three months.  That was one of the biggest life lessons I learned.  We are not to conquer. We are to look to the Victor who has already won the battle for us.  

"The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord."
Proverbs 21:31

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