
This sweet family of ours received a much needed vacation after a couple tough months.
March 7

A couple of the healthiest treats I do for myself are reflexology and chiropractic treatments by two talented, praying, Christian women.  For three months we were on the go with holiday visits to family, traveling for baby sitting, and some burdens I was carrying for others which kept me away from these luxuries.  Last week, I made it to both appointments.  Encouraging these two women in their careers and praying over then when I visit has been a privilege the past couple years.  As I walked into my reflexology appointment my friend said, "God has told me to do things differently today.  There will be no talking.  I want you to work on your breathing and let everything go."  

As I laid on that table with her working on my feet, I began to relax and recite scripture in my mind.   I had no idea how stressed out I had really become.  At one point God's love was so thick over me that tears were just dripping down my cheeks and the word that came to me was "receive".  After an hour treatment the reflexologist spoke words over me that were straight from God and I received those words.

"If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

 "The Lord is a mighty tower where his people can run for safety." Proverbs 18:10

Sometimes we don't even realize how deep we are in the pit until a friend comes along side us and shows us.  The word the Lord gave me the next morning, after sleeping all night long was relief.
Relief-"A feeling of reassurance and relaxation following release from anxiety or distress."
Whew!  Whew! Whew!  I feel like a different person.  
Back to my frozen song, "Let it Go, Let it God, Let it Go!

I'm praying Proverbs 11:25 for these two women who give so much. 
"Generosity will be rewarded: Give a cup of water, and you will receive a cup of water in return."  

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