You Say

Knowing what God says about us, makes us soar!

March 21

What are the areas of your life where you questions if you are enough?
Could it be in parenting?  Could it be in your area of employment or your marriage?
Sitting by the hospital bed of my husband's 95 year old father, I've definitely had feelings of not being able to do enough.

Three floors down in the same hospital, I'm watching a close friend struggle to figure out how to care for her husband with huge medical needs.  It's exhausting.  Feeling very fatigued and going on little sleep I realized in two days I'd let myself disconnect from a surrendering to the Holy Spirit.  My joy was waining, because my joy was in externals not in the internal peace of Christ.  

I opened Biblegateway to the verse of the day which read: "Be like newborn babies who are thirsty for the pure spiritual milk that will help you grow and be saved.  You have already found out how good the Lord really is."  1 Peter 2:2-3

Then Jesus Calling hit the nail on the head..."Thank Me for the glorious gift of My Spirit.  This is like priming the pump of a well...I shower blessings on you daily, but sometimes you don't perceive them.  When your mind is stuck on negative focus, you see neither Me nor My gifts."

Before heading to the hospital the third day I sensed the Spirit saying, "Keep your eyes open for where I am at work."  Honestly, I was too tired and emotional to do that. My father in law's breathing had become more labored, his blood pressure had dropped and I finally comprehended he was telling me he felt like he was floating on the ceiling and couldn't get his feet to the ground.  I told him maybe that was Jesus taking him to heaven and if so, "Go with Him!"  My mother in law echoed the same thoughts.  I went to get the nurse.  In the blur of what was going on somehow I asked her where she lived. I told her,  "That is very close to the church where my husband is a pastor."  She turned and looked at me and gave me a big hug. She said, "I've been wanting to visit that church with my son, this is my confirmation!"

Again and again I realize we do not have a clue as to what God is up to.  

As I was journaling and asking the Spirit to fill me, I turned on a contemporary Christian station and there was Lauren Daigle singing "You Say."  It was just what I needed to face another hospital day.

God says we are each loved!

Yesterday, we moved my father in law to a rehab facility and more blessings were waiting for us 
than we could have ever imagined. God had truly gone before us.

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