The Revelation

Recalling the warning "People are going to hurt you," my mind once again went to wandering.
Wait, did she know of something that was about to come down against me?  Was there a specific altercation about to occur and she was warning me?  "Why didn't you just ask?" my husband inquired.

As I painted away I began processing some possibilities and that is where the great lessons began setting in.

A most unusual encounter earlier this year came to mind.  I can't share the specifics, but it has been a mystery for months. It was a sort of mild, face to face, threat from someone who would not disclose their identity. A couple months later my husband encountered the same person and was able to uncover a name.  Thinking about "hurtful people" I wonder if this individual was about to raise her head and spew hurt.  Asking the Lord, he took me back FIFTY years and caused me to remember my father loaning this person's husband money.

The Holy Spirit began the teaching me!  "Look deeper.  See discontent and the damage it can do."

"If one of my followers sins against you, go and point out what was wrong. But do it in private, just between the two of you. If that person listens, you have won back a follower."  Matthew 18:15

Life is so complicated. There are so many wounded people! Hurt people hurt people.

The Lord took me back looking over numerous altercations in my life and as the Spirit revealed what the area of discontent could be in each of those lives compassion and mercy came pouring out of me for those individuals. There was such freedom in praying for them.

Best therapy session ever from a painting project.  Only cost a couple hundred dollars in paint.

Oh, that we could look at all people as God's precious, adored, personal creations.  If we could see everyone as He does and encourage them towards the purposes God created them for, we would love them more deeply.

The time with the Lord was amazing and worth the work!

"Come near to God and He will come near to you." James 4:8

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