
Our granddaughter as a recent flower girl. Delightful!

I like happy words!  Joy! Jubilation! Hallelujah! Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Elated! 
If we are Facebook friends check out the latest chuckle of a word the above granddaughter created yesterday.  

Psalm 1:1-2 holds the happy word "delight" within its boundaries.

"Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners,  nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night."

Here is how The Message translation puts it:

"How well God must like you- you don't hang out at Sin Saloon, you don't slink along
Dead-End Road, you don't go to Smart-Mouth College. Instead you thrill to God's Word, you chew on Scripture day and night. You're a tree replanted in Eden, bearing fresh fruit every month, never dropping a leaf, always in blossom."

This makes me want to break out in Pharrell's song "Happy."

Sitting together in a public setting with my husband yesterday, watching people go by,  I said, "It makes me sad to think so many of these people rarely sit and delight in the Lord.  They have no idea the depth of relationship they are missing." 

Meditating on God's Word brings blessings. It makes us like a tree planted by streams of water. Green, growing and ready to bear fruit. We can do this no matter the weather, because of where we are rooted, not in our own strength, but in the promises of God's Word.

John Piper gave a sermon years ago stating that "Delight in the Word of God is created and sustained through prayer."  He said, "Let me try to awaken your desires to pray by showing you that we should pray for delight in God's Word.
- that is, to lean on God all the time. Never give up looking to him for help, and come to him repeatedly during the day and often. Make the default mental state a Godward longing."

Piper gives three examples from the prayer life of the psalmists:
1. They prayed for the inclination to meditate on the Bible -for the "want to".
2. Secondly, the psalmists prayed that they would have spiritual eyes to see great and wonderful things in the Word, so that their desires and delights would be sustained by truth, by reality. Psalm 119:18: "Open my eyes, that I may behold wonderful things from Your law."  
3. Finally, the psalmists prayed that the effect of their inclining to the Word and their seeing wonderful things in the Word would be a profound heart-satisfaction that would sustain them through droughts and make them fruitful for others. Psalm 90:14, "O satisfy us in the morning with Your lovingkindness, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days."

Im asking God to awaken in us the delight that Psalm 1 says we should have. 
Delight in God is a miracle. 

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