The Wait of the World

"Blessed are all who wait for him!"  
Isaiah 30:18

What is it you hate to wait for?
Do you remember dial up computers?  I can here that sound now.  We were totally content with the time it took, because we didn't know any different. It was flat out amazing what we could do on a computer.

Our daughter called the other day and was trying to book a family trip using free miles. I quote...
"It's taking FOREVER. How on earth did you do this for eight of us traveling without a computer?
I can remember you looking through travel books and calling places to see about reservations."
Yup. Even Disney multiple times!

Waiting for answered prayer can be a struggle.
L.B.Cowman wrote in Streams in the Desert, "Some people say, and many more believe, that as soon as we meet all His conditions, God will answer our prayer...God works out His purposes over time.  A petition presented to God is like a seed dropped into the ground. Forces above and beyond our control must work on it until the actual accomplishment of the answer."

Takes me back again to the song we sang with our children..."He's still working on me, to make me what I ought to be. It took Him just a week to make the moon and the stars, but He's still working on me...How loving and patient He must be, for He's still working on me."

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