Choose Joy!

Today's post was actually supposed to be Enjoying Life, but it came up posted below as
September 27th.  I couldn't get it to post today, so you get a double hitter.

"Don't wait for things to get easier, simpler, better. Life will always be complicated. Learn to be
happy right now. Otherwise you'll run out of time."

A friend sent this to me Monday morning after watching our day at church unfold. My husband says it is amazing what goes on from 8-12 on a Sunday morning. Ya, got to stay prayed up.

Our grandson threw up on the way to church. His mom was already in church setting up her harp, so his amazing aunt cleaned him up in the parking lot, changed his clothes and brought the soiled clothes to me. We decided it was just best to leave the carseat outside by the car. (Bad decision, it ended up being covered by ants by the time church was over.)

The little fellow headed right for the indoor play ground where he proceeded to take a big tumble. I ran to pick him up and he threw up all over me!  Being concerned about a concussion I toted him around in my arms and into the service.  Then my husband, the campus pastor, walked up to me and asked for prayer, he was battling intestinal issues thought he might throw up. 

Devil darts! Devil darts!  All this time I'm waiting to meet a lady I'd invited to church and offered to sit with.  Somewhere in the madness my phone had fallen out of the diaper bag, so no phone.

I get home and can't find the only house key we have, one of our daughters had left after me and locked up. Ends up in the original throw up account our daughter had set the house key, which she was going to return to us,  on the roof of her car as she took out the nasty carseat.  That house key is somewhere between Burnt Chimney, VA and Chattanooga, TN.

Also, 8 turkey vultures were sitting along our fence line as we drove up.  Evil, evil! Be gone!

The phone rings and a long time friend has died on the golf course.

To top things off my father in law's caregiver called to say she had a doctor's appointment and couldn't take care of him on Monday afternoon, all while my husband is violently throwing up in the bathroom. Calgon take me away! 

Our connect group stepped up to the plate in a big way and a member, we hardly know, offered to go be with my father in law.  As I gave her instructions I felt it was most important that I let her know my father in law calls me "Boobie." Drives me nuts.  I was afraid she would think he was being fresh with her! LOL

Choose joy!  Even on the days that the devil seems to be winning. Sing praise, shout how much you love Jesus and the devil will flee.

In all things give thanks....1 Thessalonians 5:18  

Because no matter how bad it seems, Jesus has given us victory over it all!

"But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
1 Corinthians 15:57

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