Rocks, Dirty Birds and Briars

Say what?   Rocks, Dirty Birds and Briars That's my current read by Franklin Graham and Donna Lee Toney.  They had me captivated at the Foreward where they wrote...

"As Jesus walked the sandy shores of the fishing village with His disciples, it was common for large crowds to gather and follow after Him to hear His words.  Some were curious. Some were skeptical. Some were burdened. Some were joyous.

The words of Jesus challenged inquiring minds.
His words convicted critical spirits.
His words comforted weary hearts.
His words captivated those who loved Him.

This is the Son of Man as the Preacher, Teacher, and Friend. This is Jesus sowing the seed of truth into stony hearts and thirsty souls."

Oh, dear friends, haven't we all been challenged, convicted, comforted and captivated by Jesus' words. That's why, according to Guinness World Records, the Bible is the best-selling book of all time.

"Every word of God is flawless."  Proverbs 30:5

So off we go! Another day of great adventure with Jesus!  Another day of Him being our All in All.

Walk with us, talk with us, show us Your ways.
We are the sheep and You are our Shepherd. Hallelujah!

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