
My husband and I take early morning walks near a golf course neighborhood. One day on the side of the road was a golf ball. I picked it up and put it in my pocket. My husband said, "What are you doing?  That belongs to someone."  It was beside a driving range and the ball said, "Practice."
I asked for forgiveness and told him I would return the ball after using it as on object lesson with our grands.  (A lesson on stealing and on character.)

All the virtues I wrote out a week ago to teach our grandchildren to practice are ones we are applying through this current tragedy.

What's the song, "Everyone Needs Compassion."  Tell that to the girl who owns the pit bull.
My faith wavered with the snake bite and then the first 48 hours after the pit bull attack I only had the faith of a mustard seed.
We have experienced an unbelievable outpouring of kindness from others.
If we have to go to court may every word be spoken in honesty and the judge rule accordingly.
In the midst of this storm and looking at our world I am longing for that peace that passes understanding.
May we be filled with the Holy Spirit and able to offer forgiveness to any offenders and use restraint in speaking words that can wound.

No one, but especially a child, should have to endure the pain, horror and trauma that our grandson is currently facing. I told him his new nickname from me is “Courageous”. Never have I seen a child so brave, yet everyday the question is the same to his father...” Have they put that dog to sleep? Can the policeman do anything?”
Today it hit me that we live in a society that allows unborn babies to be killed and possibly vicious dogs to get a free pass. Boojoyful is not to be about my family or me, but to give daily testimony of how we can walk through life bringing glory to God. Also, to remember his faithfulness and the depth of his love and to encourage you with those truths. Today, it’s different. It’s a cry to you as my brothers and sisters in Christ to pray for peace and healing to begin for 11 traumatized family members, especially a precious 5 year old boy,  by knowing that the attack dog is no longer alive.

“The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I come that you might have life.”
John 10:9-10
In the past month one of the hospitals where our grandson was taken has seen 5 children who have been attacked by pit bulls. Two of those children died.

Yes, I’m hurting. Yes, I’m struggling to trust God after a copperhead and pit bull brutally attacked our grandson. Yes, my mind is filled with awful visuals. I could post photos that would make you vomit. The friends who have seen these crumbled in tears.

But in the midst of the horror, our family is experiencing an outpouring of God’s
love through His people that brings such comfort and reminds us of who He is.
Today, in VA Beach a neighbor brought lunch. Taped to a piece of aluminum foil, covering the best chocolate chip cookies I’ve ever eaten was a little note that simply said “We ❤️ you.” Our grandson reached out, I assumed to pull back the foil for a cookie. Instead, he untaped that note and held it in his hand.”
Oh how we all long to know we are loved.
Turn to Jesus and you will know without any doubts how deeply you are loved.

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