God First-It's All About Jesus

I"m laughing out loud. God is so in control of this devotional site. I sensed I was supposed to write an update and went on and the site said writers could chose to use the old format until August 24th. There must have been some other not to technologically savvy individuals like me. Are you getting used to having your life run by someone else? When I went to the old format and tried to post a photo and it was quite different. It posted 3 photos and I can't figure out how to delete two of them, so I guess this is my guide on what to share. God has had me in "surrender mode" the past two months and I think that is where I am to stay. So here are a few shares and I will add to them when God directs. Oh, and now I see the site will no longer allow me to separate into paragraphs or choose fonts. UGH. This may be the final hoorah. Photo number one is the view from our son's yard in Utah. We had to fly there due to a freak accident at a pool and our 5 year old granddaughter needing emergency surgery. As most of you know, our 5 year old grandson survived a copperhead bite and a vicious pit bull attack at our home back in June. Many of us were left severely traumatized by what happened, but God's grace and some excellent counselors are helping us move forward. Lesson number one has been that I tend to put my grandchildren before God. A Bible study I was doing posed the question..."What do you spend most of your money on?" That was easy...things for the grandchildren. The accidents this summer have shown me that I can't protect them, nor our children (our son fell from a ladder and broke his foot needing screws and having to be in a cast or boot for 8-10 weeks) and I can't keep them from pain. Lesson #32 "In God's Pocket" in "A Grandmother's Prayers" by Kay Swatkowski took me deeper. "When you cannot stand, He will bear you in His arms." Frances de Sales "Cast all your anxiety on him, because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 Swatkowski writes, "My temptation as a mother and grandmother is to save my children from pain, sadness, sickness, struggle and financial challenges. In reality I can't save them. Even if I could, it would be wrong for me to inject myself into their lives as their savior from all suffering. The troubles of life can draw them close to God and strengthen their faith. May they never be cheated of the sweet experience of nestling in God's pocket." "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 Action: Pray that our grandchildren live strong and courageous lives because they know God is with them. Pray that our grandchildren understand that God can use trials to increase their faith. I prayed...Father God, thank You for going ahead of us and being completely aware of the troubles we will face today, as well as each problem awaiting us in the future. When my children and grandchildren arrive at the day of trouble, may they cry out to you with a confidence of knowing You are with them. Thank You for the love you have for us and for the compassion you offer in Your Word. Place people around these that I love so deeply. People who will point them to You and will strengthen and comfort them with Your Holy Spirit. Thank You for the many friends who are living testimonies to how we can trust You in the middle of trouble, of loss, of heartache and of tragedy. Bless those today who are enduring these things. May they recognize they are not alone. In Jesus'name. Amen Photo Number 2 This one is of me as we left the MOHS surgery I had on my nose today. How fortunate am I to live in a time of masks where you can't see the hole in the side of my nose! I was in this office seven years ago and praise the Lord had not had a repeat skin cancer until now. I passed the down each nostril COVID test Sunday and thought I was perfectly at peace with this procedure today, until they took my blood pressure! The nurse said, "Well you are revved up!" Entering the room where the surgery would occur I answered the barrage of questions she had to fire off at me. Then she exited saying the doctor would be here shortly. In the quiet I heard harp music. That got my attention. As I listened I realized that was our daughter's harp music. How could that be? It was 30 minutes before the surgeon arrived and I bet my blood pressure was totally back to normal. When she came in she explained how seven years ago, when she took my stitches out, I gave her the CD. She said not only had her office staff and patients been blessed by it, but her daughter had been raised on it! What a gift that was to me today. In that 30 minutes of quiet waiting, God once again gently reminded me...this is not all about you Boo. Each moment of life is all about Jesus and how you will bring Him glory. I hear your prayers for successful and uneventful surgery, but I have brought you here to pray for these women. WHOA. He reigned me back in with love. God must be first in our lives! I can't share the details of what occurred when I prayed, but all three of us where shocked with what God did. Both women carried burdens I had no way of knowing about. If we go with God we get the blessing, our faith increases and there is joy all around. Unfortunately, it took two scoops and a long wait in-between to get all the cancer cells, but they are gone. The CD played for 4 hours and it was so relaxing. The afternoon's recovery was a little rough, but as the pain reduced I pulled out my journal to write about today and check out what was on the page! "We are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God's perfect plan of bringing good into our lives, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose." Romans 8:28 (I'm not certain of the translation, but it went right to my heart.) Lastly, Photo 3If you embrace the truth, it will release more freedom into your lives. John 8:32 There is peace, serenity and freedom in the photo my best friend from college took of our dock this past week when she was visiting. This weekend, before reading John 8:32 I wrote in my journal"Embrace the Truth! It's all about Jesus. It's not about a perfect marriage. It's not about happy kids. It's not about a fabulous, fun filled time with the grands. It's not about a successful church ministry. It's not about years of women's Bible study or devotional writing. It's not about Shiloh being a place of rest and restoration for people. It's not about being happy, healthy and offering hospitality here on earth. It's all about Jesus and what He has done and what He will be doing each day to come. Just as each person is having to figure out how to walk through COVID-19, we each need to tune into what Christ is calling us to do moment by moment. To experience that kind of obedience, which leads to freedom, joy and peace we must first die to self. Again and again we see great things for the Lord's glory come out of FIERY FURNACES, LIONS' DENS, ALTARS OF SACRIFICE, PRISON WALLS, LAZARUS' TOMB, JESUS'TOMB, LONG WALKS IN THE DESERT, BARREN WOMEN, BLINDNESS, BLEEDING, LEPROSY, LAMENESS...Wherever we are, whatever befalls us we must stand up, stand up for Jesus. Thank you for all the years you have stood beside me, an imperfect friend. May we all be found faithful to God's call. I love you.

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