Cease Striving

Our Utah granddaughter and I have to be content with the majority of our visits on a phone screen.

In  Jason Crabb's song "Just as I Am" the lyrics start off with the phrase "I've been trying to figure out what it means to be human."  Just before this song popped up on Pandora I had opened my email to find an invitation from FaithGateway to join a Ruth Chou Simmons 6 week Bible Study beginning January 17th called "When Strivings Cease". 


Paul tells us in  2 Corinthians 12:9 that he learned...

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

Ruth writes: " Everyone’s telling us to do morebe more, make ourselves…betterBut what we’ve been doing and what the world is prescribing just isn’t working.  So what fuels true change? What secures real satisfaction? What breaks us free from the endless cycle striving to earn our worth?...I’m seeking to peel back the layers of why we continue in the cycle of thinking enoughness is attainable by our own means. And how all that striving has to do with what we really think about God’s grace."

Ruth challenges her readers to ask themselves: "If we believe Jesus is all we need, then why do we live our days worn out, fearful, and anxiously striving as it we are lacking and unable to measure up?"

Can we join together and say today, "I will cease striving today and trust Jesus for his sufficiency in anything I face."?

The Song  "Just as I Am"  Jason Crabb


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