Do We

I need a hair cut! Getting grayer by the day.
I cut my husband's hair this past weekend and he said, "There is a lot more salt than pepper!"
Reminders that everyday we are one day closer to heaven!  Hallelujah!

This year Bible Study Fellowship International is studying Matthew.  Back in the fall I was in chapter 9 and challenged by these thoughts as I read verses in this chapter.

Do we...

Focus on Jesus' words and actions as Matthew did and also consider the reactions of those who witnessed the healing of the paralyzed man.  Jesus knew this man had a deeper need.  He needed forgiveness and spiritual healing. Do we see that need in others or just the surface needs?

For which is easier to say, 'Your sins are forgiven' or to say 'Rise up and walk?' Matthew 9:5

Do we...

Want our friends to meet Jesus the way Matthew did?  Matthew turned from selfish ambition to seek eternal needs.  

Do we...

Invite sinners in as Jesus did? For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.  Matthew 9:13

Do we...

Take time to see people?  Jesus saw the bleeding woman and spoke kindness and addressed her emotional need.

Do we...

Cry out?  The blind man followed Jesus and cried out to him.

Do we...

Recognize Jesus' authority as these people who were healed did?

The Song- "Give Me Your Eyes" Brandon Heath

Let's Pray:

Father, we come to you recognizing Your authority! Please stir our hearts to cry out with passion and conviction. Give us eyes to really see others and speak kindness and compassion into their lives. May we see their deeper spiritual needs in addition to some of the obvious physical needs.  Forgive us for our tendency towards selfish endeavors and may we spend more time looking out and desiring others come to know Jesus.  May the words and actions of Jesus propel us into deeper prayer and the realization with God all things are possible.  In obedience may we pray without ceasing, invite sinners into the fellowship of believers and spur one another on to Kingdom work!  In Jesus' name, Amen

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