Don't Get Stuck

It's easy to get stuck!

We gave our son's family a chair football toss game at Thanksgiving.  Our granddaughter attempted to sit in it without the seat flap down and we had a difficult time getting her out!

I've shared how one of our grandson has dubbed my moments of passing along wisdom as "Mama Boo Podcasts". Well, I had the opportunity for a new podcast recently. 

A young girl was sharing her hurt towards someone. A situation with adults where she had no control over what was happening, but it was robbing her joy.  I shared and said, "Don't allow anyone to steal your joy or cause bitterness to dwell in your heart for while being in a downcast mood you may miss a glorious assignment God has for you that day to share the gospel."

Jonah got really stuck!  He had an issue of hardness of the heart towards the nasty Ninevites. Plain and simple, he did not want them to get saved and receive God's grace.

A Bible Study Fellowship author writes..."Jonah neglected to trust God to deal righteously with the guilty....Jonah selfishly appreciated God's character when he rescued him from the belly of the great fish. When God's character benefitted the Assyrians, Jonah was not happy with God's compassion."

Yikes.  Feeling convicted.

The author says "We prefer comfortable relationships with people who agree with us. Christians can sometimes desire that the gospel only go to the people they deem deserving. The critical message of Jonah confronts our world of racism, tribalism, and national division....God lovingly extends mercy to all people...Jonah failed to love his neighbors as God commanded."

The Lord is compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.

Exodus 34:5-7

The Song

"Heaven Everywhere" Francesca Battistelli

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