Are You Kidding Me?

This plant with new growth forcing its way up amongst the dead gives me hope on the days where the dead and achey seem to be winning out.

You've got to be kidding me! Sometimes God puts it right there in front of us!  For over four months I've been dealing with physical pain in my hips and left leg that has left me with the nickname of "Limpy." (Should probably be "Grouchy")  I open day thirty-six of the"devotional book Your Going to Make It and read...

"Sometimes  in the rush of busy days with a lot to distract us from feeling the pain, we are tempted to believe that because we are keeping up, we must be okay. But just coping, pushing through, and numbing the pain isn't the same thing as healing the pain...We must feel the pain to deal with the pain and eventually heal the pain.

Look at the way physically healing takes place in our body.  Physical pain drives us to get the necessary help we need...WE MAY NEED TO WALK WITH A LIMP FOR A WHILE, we may need ongoing treatment, and we may need to take time off until the intensity of the pain isn't so crippling."

Physical pain has made me grumpy, less patient than I'd like and I've allowed my tongue to flap. I've been lacking in the quick, slow, slow instructions in James 1:19

  My dear friends, you should be quick to listen and slow to speak or to get angry.

Just this week I snapped at two whispering pre-teens and announced "Whispering is not happening here!  It only hurts those around you. Here's the deal, it's either going to stop or you can get out."  Ah, yes, that was the lovely pastor's wife!  Oh, my goodness. It may be time for pain killers.  I do not think Jesus would have spoken like that.

The physical pain and process of trying to keep on keeping on is keeping me from spiritual growth and there is the heart of the problem.  No matter how I feel I've got to cling to the Lord, remember all that Jesus has done for me and that He is with me on the grouchiest of days. I see an orthopedic knee specialist June 12th.

Go to praise when the pain is great.  Both of these songs have lifed me up.

The Song 

“Goodness of God”  Rhett Walker

“Me On Your Mind” Matthew West

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