Abigail Week 3 Defusing the Situation


New Year's Eve the fuses on some extra long sparklers were tough to get lit. Some ignited faster than others.  Such is true of the human fuse and our responses to situations.  Just think about an airport when flights are cancelled and delayed.  Think about how we respond when a waitress or toddler spills a drink all over our clothing.  These are mild compared to words that fly in relationships, many never able to be restored.

Our responses are an overflow of the condition of our hearts.  Luke 6:45

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth writes..."When we find security in the One who holds our hearts, the Lord changes how we handle circumstances."  Oh, that I could have lived that out at a much earlier age.

In the story of Abigail, she is thrust into a situation between two very proud and angry men.
1 Samuel 25:14-31  Her crisis negotiation skills kicked into play using the key tool of discernment.

The study uses this definition for discernment. "Showing good or outstanding judgement or understanding or intelligence."  Hmm, I'd throw in there that a women's intuition is a powerful tool as well and some good ole common sense.

The study lists attributes of Christ that Abigail demonstrated in this time where she needed to think quickly on her feet.
"Courage, humility, composure, respect, control, clarity, dignity, and sincerity."

Whew! That's a great list of characteristics to pray for in daily life.

Wolgemuth writes a beautiful prayer for us to pray: "Lord, in times of crisis, I want to be a voice of reason and respond with a wise and discerning spirit. Help me to develop those qualities in times of peace, so that when the hard times come I will be ready.  Remind me each day to keep the big picture of Your plan in mind.  Even when it seems that difficult situations will never change and that those who are against me will never see justice, help me to rest in Your promise that my life is bound up in the bundle of Your care."

The Song

“Just Like Jesus” Iveth Luna


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