
This is my latest bundle of love.

Sunday there was a word jumping out at me. It was "bundle." 

The definitions I came across ranged from: bind, fasten, attach, to control.

As a grandmother when I think of bundle, I think of the bundle of love that is wrapped up in a precious baby.

The word had appeared on a State Farm commerical during an NFL game where Patrick Mahomes had written BUNDLE in big letters on a white board and then again in my Bible study lesson in 1 Samuel 25:29. Abigail is speaking with wisdom to David in hopes of deterring him from killing her husand and all their household and allowing God to handle the situation.

If men rise up to pursue you and to seek your life, the life of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of the living in the care of the Lord your God. And the lives of your enemies he shall sling out as from the hollow of a sling.

The New Living Translation puts verse 29 this way: Even when you are chased by those who seek to kill you, your life is safe in the care of the Lord your God, secure in his treasure pouch!

The "bundle of the living" also is a description for the people who knew God.  You know, those of us who live aBUNDLEantly!  They live, even if they die!

Praying you experience a BUNDLE of God's love today.

Let's pray

Jesus, thank you for keeping us bundled closely in your care.  Nothing can come against us that is not in Your will. We are blessed to be carried in the treasure pouch of our loving Provider. In Jesus' name, Amen

I'm ordering treasure pouches for all our grandchildren and putting a heart shaped stone, some treasure and  1 Samuel 25:29 NLT in the pouches for Valentines and telling our grandchildren this story.

Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.  And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It's your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it.  Colossians 3:14 

The Song

"God Will Work it Out" Naomi Raines and Israel Houghton


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