Let's Get Lost

While baby sitting our six year old grandson he and his friend came into the kitchen where I was cooking. This friend is a hoot to talk to. He began telling me about everything he carries with him when he goes on his bike.  One thing is a round silver reflector. He explained that if he ever got lost he would shine this up into the sky and if people are searching from the sky they would see the light and know where to find him.

Our adventuresome grandson's immediate response was, "Cool! Let's go get lost and see if it works."  The friend looked at him and said, "Why would you do that? No one wants to be lost."

"The Son of Man came to look for and to save people who are lost.” Luke 19:10

"The only solution to lostness is Jesus." Stan Parris

Since Jesus uses ordinary sinful people, like the disciples, we are all qualified to share the Good News and pray the lost find Jesus.

Aside thought...choose friends who never want you to be lost and lead you on the straight and narrow path.

The Song

"Step by Step I'll Lead You"


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