Faith Is Being Sure...
July 30-31 Escaping the heat, I accepted an invitation to lunch at a girlfriend's wonderfully comfortable air conditioned house. We discussed how we'd been intentionally escaping the television and all the political news as well. Prayerfully, the Olympics will go without turmoil and that occasion can be a reprieve from the political scene. I was hanging out in Hebrews 12 looking for wisdom related to a neighborhood dispute and turned verses 14-15 into this prayer. It is quite appropriate for the stresses of an election year as well. Father, through the power of your Holy Spirit may we make every effort to live in peace with everyone and be holy. For we know that without holiness no one will see the Lord. See to it that none of us falls short of the grace of God and keep any roots of bitterness from growing up and causing trouble. May we relinquish control to You and pray believing in the power of Your name and stay mindful that with You all things are ...