
Showing posts from March, 2023

Let's Pray It

The list of friends I have who are confronted by huge health hurdles is way too long.  I took time to compile prayers for a close group of friends and thought I should share these because we all know people who could use a prayer in their pocket!  Dear Lord, please bless these women with Your peace. I love them so much. Give them strength to hand over the health worries to You. Take away any pain they experience and squelch the doubts the enemy places in their minds. Remind them You are their God: the Great I AM. Nothing is impossible with You. And You use all things for good. Be with each of them at  night and grant them sweet, safe, and sound sleep. Thank You for Your presence in their lives. I am so thankful they know and love You. In Jesus' Name, amen!  Love, Boo Don't miss my favorite arrangement of the song "The Prayer" at the end. Prayer for endurance. Dear Lord, I ask for grace to endure the challenge that is before me. Y...

Rule #7

The father-son birthday boys.  Same day, 30 years apart. Working my way through the book The Red Sea Rules  I just complete #7.       There is no better place to be than the presence of the Lord. Rule #7 Envision  God’s Enveloping Presence Four suggestions to help do this. 1)Affirm His nearness in your heart. Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.  Genesis 28:15 2) Visualize God’s presence in your mind.   The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms.  Deuteronomy 33:27                    “The reality of God’s presence both comforts our hearts and restrains our behavior.” 3) Access God’s nearness through prayer.    ...

God's Call

  This year's BSF study has been on the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah and the role the kings and prophets played. There are lots of warnings from prophets, and lots of disobedience from kings and their people, thus lots of repercussions for that disobedience. At times it has been tempting to grow a little discouraged in this study with a hopeless "here we go again" reaction. But Micah 6:8 grabbed me.      He has shown you O mortal, what is good.  And what does the Lord require of you?                                        T o act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. God sent Micah to His people to remind them He cares how they treat others.  The author of this lesson wrote..."Sin's destruction ultimately sets people against one another in myriad ways-interpersonal conflict, corporate corruption, dece...

Make It Through

  My husband and I are thoroughly enjoying our subscription to PureFlix and just finished watching Karen Kingsbury's series "A Thousand Tomorrows" about a young barrel racer with cystic  fibrosis and another show called "7 Days in Utopia" about a professional golfer.  Both  exemplify what it looks like to walk with the Lord through strenuous trials. He's the Way Maker!   Hallelujah. Thus says the  Lord ,   who makes a way in the sea,  a path in the mighty waters.   Isaiah 43:16    For those of you following my health saga it became even crazier yesterday.  I awakened with the knee feeling the best it has felt in 3 months.  My Bible study group was here at Shiloh and I told them, maybe I am not supposed to go in and have the scan (last week when I arrived in Roanoke for the scan I was told at the last minute the radiologist in the office that day did not know how to do the type CT I needed, so they ...


  Sometimes it's nice to know we have a friend who sticks closer than a brother. A man of many companions may come to ruin,      but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother . Proverbs 18:24 Time for a true confession.  Dealing with this physical pain lately, I have become addicted to playing solitaire on my phone to get off my feet and get my mind off the pain.  This particular morning I went for my phone before my Bible and conviction set in. Solitaire means a single gem or a game played alone. It is derived from the word solitary meaning going alone, not being part of a group, to perform without companions, or to be isolated. A couple thoughts spurred on in my brain from the word solitaire.... 1) We were not created to do life alone. Granted at times it seems a lot easier, but it's not wise. When we have those urges to isolate, those are the times when we probably need someone to pray with us and suggest we right our rudder and avoid ...

Saturdays' Song-"Whatever Your Plan Is"

Our little cowgirl spent her 4th birthday on a dude ranch this month!    The Song "Whatever Your Plan Is" Josie Buchcanan

Everything is Grace

I shared with some friends that I want to feel like the bunny on the left, doing headstands, but in reality I'm more like the bunny flat on his back going through physical therapy. The hallelujah is that no matter where I am I can be like the laughing bunny because what Jesus did on the cross for me gives me great joy! "If mourning and dancing are part of the same movement of grace, we can be grateful for every moment we have lived." Henry Nouwen My husband was rolling me into an orthopedic appointment. While that is not where I wanted to be I said to him, "I could easily have been dead or in a wheel chair the past seven years since the stroke. I have my speech, sight, hearing and touch.  God has been so merciful to me." Henry Nouwen writes in his book Turn My Mourning Into Dancing -"We can claim our unique journey as God's way to mold our hearts to greater conformity to Christ. The cross, the primary symbol of our faith, invites us to see grace where t...


Our grandson chose the word devious for his school's vocabulary parade!   Student were asked to dress in a way that depicted the meaning of their chosen word.   What a great idea! Devious- "cunning, crafty, clever, departing from the correct or acceptable way."  Cunning, crafty nor clever are painting in a very good light in scripture. Remember "the serpent was crafty" and he "cunningly deceived Eve". Now the definition of clever leaves a little more to be desired fortunately, because my mother in law was always saying to my husband "You are so clever!" Clever- quick to understand, learn and devise or apply ideas; intelligent.😉 Peter is addressing believers in the faith when he shares his take on clever relating to being "made up". When we told you about the power and the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, we were not telling  clever  stories someone had made up. But with our own eyes we saw his true greatness.  2 Peter 1:16  The re...

Does God Excite You?

So much courage in this 10 year old Minnesota grandson to play the "Star Spangled Banner" live before a crowd in his school's gymnasium on his electric guitar! Does God excite you?  When you open His Word or are plugged into a Bible study or devotional and get glimpses of the depth of His love for you do you say out loud "This is amazing!" One night I had been in the Alicia Britt Chole study called 40 Days of Decrease .   I was on Day 15  and was blown away and really desired to share with someone, but it was 10:30 at night. The following morning I knew my husband was in his office preparing for a sermon, so I didn't disturb him. When he walked in our bedroom I said, "Would you please come here and listen to what I read last night? I'm so moved by it I just have to share."  I'd been reading about Jesus' triumphal entry on the colt into Jerusalem to the shouts of "Hosanna!"  The author of the fore mentioned b...

The Enemy Is Real

Friends arrived at their RV camp ground in SC and were greeter by this giant gator!   Working on Lesson #3 "Acknowledge your Enemy, but keep your eyes on the Lord" in The Red Sea Rules  opened my eyes! I kid you not, when I went to look these verses up online my computer refused to let me look up any verses on Biblegateway, so finally I picked up my phone. I wouldn’t either. I could to to every other site.  So, I said to the enemy, “Well, okay, in the mighty name of Jesus you cannot keep me from opening my Bible and typing these verses instead of cut and paste.  This way they will go deeper into my heart and mind. Immediately, the site began working!  Then yesterday as I was facilitating a group on this very lesson as I began telling the story of a woman tormented by demons my voice left my head like when I had the stroke. I felt sure I was going down and two women jumped up on either side of my chair while another began praying and I told the enemy in the...

Depend on God

Camping out in Mama Boo and Papa's bedroom! Like a caring grandfather who comforts our fears, the Lord climbs right into the tent with us and brings assurance!   Run in total dependence to the Lord in prayer. I run to you,  Lord ,  for protection. Don't disappoint me.  You do what is right, so come to my rescue.    Listen to my prayer and keep me safe. Be my mighty rock, the place where I can always run for protection.  Save me by your  command! You are my mighty rock and my fortress. Psalm 71 CEV In a single week's time four people came to me in desperation over marriages falling apart.  The Lord gave me this prayer to pray for two women who are watching their sons suffer as their marriages falters. Dear Heavenly Father, you love us beyond what we are humanly capable of understanding. Hold fast to these mothers' hearts as they hurt for the strife in the marriages of their sons. When they don’t know what to say may they pray ev...