Set Free
These three grands feeling free in Puerto Rico!
Inviting God to come close and show me any broken places in my life I was being led in prayer by someone who asked the Lord to give me a picture. It was seconds into praying and a picture came to mind of my brother shooting up out of the water in his pool after drowning there. It was a beautiful picture! He was elated.
The prayer leader asked me if God was giving me a word and I said captivity. Putting the two together God was showing me how he sets captives free in a vast variety of ways. Even death to a believer can be a means of being set free.
The prayer process was taken a step further where I was to ask God what I needed to be set free from. I chuckled and said "Text messages." I'd had 127 the day before, mostly related to people needing prayer. The ones in group leads drive me nuts! Ding, ding, ding!
I shared how I always felt the need to answer a text immediately. Growing up when people called on the phone, you answered. You didn't know who was calling. Your choices were hang up or have a conversation. The woman praying with me said, maybe if I learned to wait in my text responses the people texting would go to Jesus for help.
It's a privilege to pray for people and I certainly like my texts answered. I think this time of suffering physically is providing a greater opportunity to draw near to God. More on that tomorrow.
You have been raised to life with Christ. Now set your heart on what is in heaven, where Christ rules at God's right side. Think about what is up there, not about what is here on earth. You died, which means that your life is hidden with Christ, who sits beside God. Colossians 3:1-3
The Song
"Set Free" Hope Darst