Who Hates the Light
We have changed baby sitting gigs and are now at our daughter's home. Her family lives on the 14th green of a golf course in the mountains of SW VA and beholds the most beautiful sunsets at night. Last night was a little cloudy but still such a peaceful reminder of the light of Christ! I know you have all heard it said, "If the devil isn't messing with you, if things are going smoothly, then you probably aren't doing much for the Lord." Today's Biblegateway verse is Yesterday, I had the privilege of listening to three godly people from a variety of backgrounds, sexes, ages and spiritual maturity who were each facing a very different type trial. One texted:"I need wisdom". Another, "Do you have a minute to pray?" God placed the third on my heart and had me call just as tears were pouring down her cheek out of fear and concern for her husband's serious health issues. She ended up ministering to me. Actually, all three did for I had t...