In the Ring

January 14
Pacify-to allay the anger or agitation of;
suggests a calm or soothing; to restore to a tranquil state.

Turning on a table lamp this morning, I noticed a pacifier on the
floor which was left over from our grandson's visit over Christmas.
Bam, the reality of how I am handling some frustrations in my life
came to light. I am trying to just be pacified when Christ came
that I might live victoriously.

Beth Moore states in John the Beloved Disciple "I truly
believe that if we're willing to see, God uses every difficulty and
every assignment to confide deep things to us, and that the lessons
are not complete until their beauty has been revealed. I fear, however,
that we have such an attention deficit that we settle for bearable
when beauty is just around the corner."
Ah, like being pacified when our life can really be amplified!

Yesterday I was on the road traveling several hours and I felt like
I was in a boxing ring. The enemy was throwing punches in my mind
over and over again. Fortunately, at the lowest points I was able to
pull myself up on the ropes and reach for the radio. I kid you not
the first time I pushed the button, Michael Youssef was barely
crackling through because I was out of range of this station, but I
heard the words...when the enemy is messing with your mind, you must
go to God's promises and not listen to self, which can lead to a pity
party! I began searching for other Christian stations that saw me
through the fight.

I kid you not...two of my devotionals I am using this year were right
on this same topic today. My God is real and He really knows what is
happening in my life. Now that doesn't mean I like the circumstances,
but it means I know I am not alone in them!

God Calling says today: "Learn of Me. Kill the self. Every blow
to self is used to shape the real, eternal, imperishable you. Be very
candid and rigorous with yourselves. 'Did self prompt that?' and if it
did, oust it at all costs."

Now check out Lloyd John Ogilvie: Behold, I make all things new.
Revelation 21:5

Let's make this our prayer today:
"Father, the psalmist expresses my need: As the deer pants for the water
brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the
living God.
Psalm 42:1-2
Nothing and no one can satisfy my inner restlessness. I praise You for this
longing to reaffirm my relationship with You. My primary purpose is to know
and to love You. And yet, yesterday there was so much that distracted me
from serving You and disturbed my commitment to putting You first. Forgive
me for the things I said and did when my priorities got messed up. Last
night I went to sleep before I'd finished praying. No wonder I didn't
sleep soundly and woke up feeling unrested. But here I am with a new day
heavy on my hands. Then it occurs to me that the only way for today to be
different from yesterday is to get it off my hands by committing it
unreservedly to You. Thank You for the freedom to close the door on
yesterday and walk through the open door of opportunity You have set
before me today. I surrender the needs of the day ahead and trust You
completely. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Phil. 4:13 Hooray! In Jesus' Name, Amen

We can step into today simply pacifying our needs and hoping the fight
will be called off soon or we trust in the Lord and win another bout!

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